Aaricia and the Noland Army 0 Reviews

By: richard shekari

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An epic tale of adventure that features Aaricia; a young woman having being betrayed by a loved one, lost her family and her home, must find a way to raise an elite army to help reclaim all she’s lost. Bestowed with a remarkable gift to communicate with a rare kind of beast, and armed with a handful of mercenaries, she must rise to face the most revered ruler in all the lands; the evil Queen, and swayer of the great kingdom of Azzodonia.

ISBN (Digital) 9781370769278
Total Pages 30
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1h
Genre Contemporary Fiction
Published By Richard Shekari
Published On 16 Apr 2019
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richard shekari

richard shekari

Daastan's Cultural Ambassador in Nigeria. He is passionate about literature, poetry and music, currently residing in Abuja, Nigeria. His books showcase his versatility and unique writing styles. Bringing 12 books to Qissa, and trusting Daastan with his life’s work, Richard has made his original and novel content available to Pakistani readers. He has also, launched a music video with a Pakistani musician, giving cross-cultural brotherhood a new face. He has a B.Tech in architecture from the Federal University of Technology (ATBU), Bauchi and is working with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Nigeria.


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