محبت: ایک منطقی مغالطہ 0 Reviews

By: Shahid Khalid

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Logic: love is a fallacy. A magnificent essay by Max Schulman. This was written primarily for students of logic. Lot of applause is due for the writer to turn the text book lesson into a world classic. An Urdu translation of this essay was published in incomparable "Sab Rang" digest of Shakeel Adal zada as the story of the month. Let us hope we will find that translation as well. For now, enjoy the translation by yours truly.

ISBN (Digital) 0000
Total Pages 15
Language Urdu
Estimated Reading Time 15 m
Published By Daastan
Published On 29 Jun 2018
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Shahid Khalid

Shahid Khalid

A student of life, with special interest in the events of, War of Independence 1857 and independence 1947. Generally interested in Philosophy, History, Literature and Philosophy of History. Writes columns for "Nai Baat" and "Ham Sab" in Urdu, in English for " The Pioneer".


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