Octoberness 4 Reviews

By: Syed Sami Shah

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Book Description:

We all inherit a great poet in ourselves. We all share the legacy of great narrators. Everyday, we are the writers of our own stories. Everyday, our choices of words, actions and thoughts become the words of our destinies. All of us have the potential to be the 'New-York Times Best-Seller authors of our stories' yet how many of us recognise the potential and effort to enlighten our lives? Accompany me through my words & philosophies as I journey October, as every day of October I befriend verbosity & eloquence and effort to unleash the writer, the narrator in me. Accompany me as I journey to witness the subtle balance of nature through unique & untold game of contraries. Accompany me as I let the changing colours of October stem untold, silent yet stormy transformations inside out. 

ISBN (Digital) 000
ISBN (Hard copy) 978-969-696-271-7
Total Pages 25
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1h
Genre Religious
Published By Daastan
Published On 22 May 2020
No videos available
Syed Sami Shah

Syed Sami Shah

Naqsh Fariyadi hai Kis ki Shokhi-e-tehreer ka? Kaghazi hai Pairahan har Paikar-e-tasveer ka.


Feb 16, 2021

Octoberness has transformed my thoughts in very different way. Lets me mention few, its true that every passing day leads us to perceive the purpose of our life and one of them is getting closer to ALMIGHTY. To fall in divine love was always endear to me and i found alot to learn and develop such unique sensation of Divine Love (the unconditional love) within my existence through these beautifully written words. I must say that your perception for word "love" will be transformed in most desired way that may fill the void you been missing. Octoberness may work as brain cleanser, eye opener, self-growth and self-evolution instrument at the same moment. Im sure that reader will find proclivity towards Divine Love and ones  transformation and find it essential for lifetime.
Hats Off to Author!

Noor Fatima


Jul 18, 2019

Gratitude to this humbled author, a timeless being of love and light, who offered us to join with him on this beautiful journey to wisdom and self actualization. (Masha Allah)
I literally, got so much food for thought from this book, so much insightful ideas to meditate upon. After reading even a small portion of this masterpiece, you will find yourself retracing the insights that have been laid down by the author in such an enticingly manner.
This book took me by the hand and the heart along a marvelous journey to attain my best self. It outlines the presence of Allah in our being, unconditional love, self evolution, self transfirmations, change, optimism, self growth, stoicism and how to bring out the higher wisdom, love, light and nature of the true self that lies within you.
After reading it many times, I came to understand this book, octoberness, is actually a source to the infinite journey to our infinite selves because it is a very densely written guide to self-transformation, concentrates on knowing oneself and through that, understanding the entire existence.
What we need to do is to transform our soul from one which has an interest in lower desires into a soul which instead has a yearning for good things. Then our soul itself becomes a helper and an assistant to us and to others as well.
The way the author has put his complicated, yet at the same time easy to understand, perspective about being, is both mind-boggling and somewhat easily applicable, if you are willing to make a change to your perception of life and love.
I loved the journey with this multidimensional book and I know you all will do, In sha Allah.
Subsequently, it is the first book that I simply had to write a review of and I can't wait to read the next one from this author, In sha Allah.
This was far more than enough for me to read for myself.
One last thing, I would like to aware you with, that this book takes some serious understanding and silence surrounding you whilst reading ;)
Beautiful lines, "Let us find ourselves so that we may find Allah".

Jun 26, 2019

اىک حساس انسان کا زندگى پر بہت خوبصورت تجزيہ.. اور اتنى کم عمرى مىں اتنى پخته تحرير کے لئے آپ داد کے مستحق هيں۔۔ زندگى کو صوفى ازم کے پيرائے ميں بہت خوبصورتى سے تحرير ميں لايا گيا هے جس ميں صوفى ازم کا تڑکہ بھى تھا، غالب و رومى سے بھى کہيں کہيں ملاقات هوئى۔۔ اور نئى نسل کو رومى و غالب کى دنيا سے روشناس کروانے کى ايک بہترين کاوش هے۔۔

Amira Sandhu


Jun 18, 2019

● Octerberness, small beautiful book written by Syed Sami Shah (philosopher).
● Writer starts his journey of 31 days from the TOPIC "Before the Before" and shares his philosophies about Powerful topics of spirituality like LOVE, ATTACHMENT, UNION, SEPARATION, SELF LOVE, SELF ANALYSIS, LETTING GO, CHANGE and many more.
● Book of 31 lessons takes you to the journey of Transformations inside out.
● Must read book for the seekers of spirituality and everyone ????
● favorite lines, 《The journey to Love sets off from gratitude and has infinite milestones from slow-growth to service》
《Things become manifest through opposite》
《Where there is change, there are opposite but there is balance》
《If it's Love how can it make you sad in any way?》.......

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